
Three students walking on Georgia Southern University campus

Make a gift today.

Your support makes a world of difference. Whether you’re contributing to scholarships, research, or programs that shape the future, your gift directly impacts Georgia Southern University and its students. Every donation, no matter the size, helps us reach new heights.

Invest in Tomorrow.
Empower Students Today.

When you give to Georgia Southern University, you’re investing in more than just education—you’re helping students soar beyond their dreams. Your generosity directly impacts their lives, fueling academic success, and unlocking opportunities they never imagined.

With your support, we continue to drive innovation through groundbreaking research, enhance learning environments with state-of-the-art facilities, and provide life-changing scholarships that empower students to reach their fullest potential. Together, we’re building a stronger, brighter future—one student at a time.

Make a Gift Today

Your Gift Lifts Us Higher

Unlock the transformative impact of your gift to Georgia Southern University. Explore the many ways you can support our students, faculty, and programs, helping us reach new heights of excellence. Your generosity creates a lasting legacy, empowering future generations of Eagles to soar.

Black and white graduation photo of graudation class in seats
Georgia Southern Student holding up diploma holder

University Advancement

Your support powers our mission to deliver exceptional education, foster groundbreaking research, and strengthen our community. By partnering with us, you’re not just contributing—you’re helping to shape tomorrow’s leaders, innovators, and change-makers.

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Water tower with the Together We Soar banner

Together We Soar: The Campaign for Georgia Southern

This campaign is more than just about fundraising—it’s about building a legacy that will shape the future of Georgia Southern. Join us in empowering generations of Eagles to soar higher, achieve more, and make a lasting impact on the world.

Learn more
Together We Soar Campaign Kick Off Event featuring scholarship recipients

Giving Societies

Join an exclusive group of supporters who are making a transformative impact at Georgia Southern. Through our Giving Societies, you’ll become part of a distinguished community dedicated to shaping the future of the University. Together, we can build a lasting legacy that empowers generations of students, faculty, and leaders.

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Attendees at the Georgia Southern Gratitude Gala


Once an Eagle, always an Eagle. It’s more than a motto—it’s a lifelong bond. Stay connected with Georgia Southern through exciting events, opportunities to reconnect, and ways to engage with fellow alumni and friends who share a commitment to our University.

Learn more
Georgia Southern Alumni in DC attending a Washington Nationals game

Building a Legacy of Impact

Join a community of passionate donors who share your commitment to Georgia Southern. By supporting the Foundation, you’ll connect with like-minded individuals, attend exclusive events, and see firsthand the difference your generosity makes. Together, we can strengthen the University and empower its students to achieve greatness.

Three students walking on Georgia Southern Campus